Fundamental Points Of Pitching Mechanics

By Rena Hudson

The game of baseball has been immensely popular in the Americas for many years. As any fan can tell you, quality pitching is a major key to fielding a successful team. While some of this is dependent upon pure natural ability, pitching mechanics play a major role as well. Improving the technique of throwing the ball can enhance one's natural abilities while poor mechanics can limit the upside of even the most talented pitchers.

The primary point to be made is why pitching mechanics are an integral ingredient of success in this arena. Performance level and durability are the two main answers to this. Better, more efficient technique can allow one to throw with greater velocity and control as well as minimizing the risk of injuries, particularly to the vulnerable shoulder and elbow regions. On the other hand, poor mechanics may limit the command of one's pitches and expose the player to a greater risk of injury.

Evaluating a pitcher's mechanics takes a good bit of training as this is a complex task with many details that need to be taken into consideration. Professional pitching coaches have trained for years to be able to do this, but just about anyone can learn a few basics to get started in the right direction.

Many people will automatically think first about the position of the arm. This is obviously of paramount importance but there is no clear agreement amongst experts on what exactly constitutes perfection in this aspect. There is more agreement, however, on a few fundamental points that are a good place to begin the process of evaluation.

As with many movements in sports, throwing a ball begins with the legs. If the majority of the effort is made with the shoulder and arm, the result will be decreased speed and a greatly increased risk of injury. A strong leg drive will allow one to generate more force in the motion. This obviously leads to pitches with greater velocity. Furthermore, it reduces the amount of work that needs to be done with the upper extremities, reducing the risk of getting hurt.

Maintaining good balance throughout the act of throwing is a key consideration as well. A delivery that has the body moving completely toward the target is more likely to result in good pitch location than one that has the pitcher falling off to one side. Remaining balanced also allows ones to use the legs and trunk effectively as discussed previously.

One often overlooked aspect is repeatability. Using perfect mechanics on one pitch and poor ones on the next is not much better than always using poor ones. A good pitcher or coach knows that the more regular and consistent the movements associated with the throw are, the better the pitcher's control will be. And if these movements are in the range of what is considered to be proper, the greater the chances of remaining healthy and able to pitch.

As one can see from watching successful pitchers, there is no magic formula for a perfect pitching mechanics. Variations in body types mean that each player's style will be somewhat different but the fundamentals remain the same for all.

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